Cloud-based Certificate Management vs Traditional Certificate Management

November 17, 2021

Cloud-based Certificate Management vs Traditional Certificate Management

In the digital age, security has become a crucial aspect of any business or organization. The protection of sensitive information, customer data, and company assets is of utmost importance. One key security aspect is certificate management, the process of creating, distributing, and revoking digital certificates. In this article, we will compare cloud-based certificate management to traditional certificate management.

Traditional Certificate Management

Traditional certificate management usually involves manual processes, paper-based documentation, and physical distribution of certificates. This system is susceptible to human error, time delays, and security threats.

According to a survey conducted by the Ponemon Institute, 54% of organizations experienced certificate-related outages in the past two years, with an average cost of $11 million per outage. Also, 54% of the respondents said their organization uses spreadsheets as the primary tool for managing and tracking certificates.

Traditional certificate management is also susceptible to security breaches. With certificates being issued and managed through manual processes, it is easy for hackers to intercept and forge certificates. This can lead to data breaches or other security incidents.

Cloud-based Certificate Management

Cloud-based certificate management, on the other hand, is a secure and automated system of managing certificates. The system is designed to streamline the certificate management process, eliminate human error, and ensure that certificates are always up-to-date.

Cloud-based certificate management makes use of digital technology to create, distribute, and manage certificates. The certificates are stored securely in the cloud, and authorized users can access them from anywhere, at any time.

One major advantage of cloud-based certificate management is the ability to automate the certificate renewal process. With traditional certificate management, manual tracking is required to ensure that certificates are renewed before the expiry date. With cloud-based certificate management, this process is automated, and certificates are renewed without any manual intervention.

Also, cloud-based certificate management is more secure than traditional certificate management. The system is designed with security in mind, and certificates are distributed and managed through secure channels. This significantly reduces the risk of certificate-related security breaches.


In conclusion, there is no doubt that cloud-based certificate management is a better and more secure system than traditional certificate management. With automation, better security, and ease of use, cloud-based certificate management should be the choice for any organization that values security and wants to simplify their certificate management process.

So, don't be a traditionalist, embrace the cloud, and secure your certificates with cloud-based certificate management.


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